Thursday, October 8, 2009

Just Waiting

I keep a journal and sometimes I look back at what I've written to gain perspective. I originally wrote some thoughts about waiting in 2007 when we first moved to Mississippi. At that time, I was waiting for clarity on why we were here, trying to figure out my true calling and how could I make a difference on this planet. For some reason, these words from 2007 have come back to me. Perhaps somebody else needs to read this along with me today.

When we become anxious about situations in our lives the mind is flooded with questions: why did this happen to me? what will others think of me? what is the perfect job for me? whom will I marry and when? why are my prayers not being answered? God does not always answer these questions quickly, so join me in the "waiting room."

Think about the last time you were in a waiting room. Was it at the doctor's office, mechanic's garage, the DMV or a job interview? What thoughts entered your mind? Did you feel a little fearful? nervous? anxious? I've felt that way too when waiting.

Sometimes God places us in life's waiting room so we pray harder about our decisions, listen closley, become wiser and sometimes, learn to be more patient. God's plan is at work as you sit, stand or pace around in circles in the waiting room. He gives you His word (the Bible) to make your waiting room experience one of anticipation, contentment and hope. Find peace in promises like Jer. 29:11, I Cor. 2:9, Proverbs 16:3, Isaiah 55 and so many more!

God is teaching me Isaiah 55 in a very real way because I have no answers in my current waiting room. That's right...His ways are not our ways, nor His thoughts our thoughts. This is not a cop out. This concept alone can bring amazing clarity in times of confusion, despair, loneliness, fear, doubt and disappointment. Sometimes we just don't have all the answers we need to make a decision or understand why something happens to us. This gives me freedom to let go.

Roy Lessin puts it this way:
"As you wait upon the Lord, you learn to see things from His perspective, move at His pace and function under His directives. Waiting times are growing and learning times. As you quiet your heart you enter His peace. As you sense your weakness you receive His strength. As you lay down your will, you hear His calling. When you mount up, you are being lifted by the wind of His spirit. When you move ahead you are sensitive to His timing. When you act, you give yourself only to things He has asked you to do."

I'm learning to thank God for placing me in the waiting rooms of life. It forces me to rely more on prayer, then act in faith when opportunities are placed before me. I can be in the waiting room with hope, anticipation and contentment. I can listen for my name to be called, and when it is, I leap to my feet with joy for whatever is to come. If you are in the waiting room too, be encouraged, your name will be called. And when it is, will you be prepared? Listen, Leap, Learn, and Grow! You don't have to have all the answers. What are you waiting for?

"But I want you to know brethren, that the things which happened to me haved actually turned out for the furtherance of the Gospel." (Phil.1:12)

"Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is its twin." (Kahil Gibran)

"Father in heaven, I pray for those who have decisions to make, need answers and are waiting for something. Give them peace and contentment as they wait, let them learn and grow while waiting. Open their hearts and give them a joy unspeakable. Help them to make decisons and move forward in freedom as you fill their cup to overflowing with clarity,love and peace." (Karen Lindsey-Lloyd, yep...that's my prayer for you!)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, I'm in a waiting room right now and it's hard, it seems I use to know how to wait so well. Not only was I reminded of whose I am, but I'm not the only one. Thank you for your transparancy -
