Sunday, January 2, 2011

Three Words

I smiled knowingly when I noticed the chatter on Twitter about Chris Brogan's three words for the New Year. Based on my previous posts, you will see that I too consistently adopt the three words, three points approach to life.

During interview coaching, students are often frustrated (then amazed--because it works) when I say, offer no more than three adjectives (with supporting examples)if asked by an interviewer to "tell me about yourself." Oh yeah, then stop talking. There's a hand gesture that goes along with the stop talking part.

My authentic leadership business clients always tell me they have so much more to say in their presentations, yet I gently encourage them to capsualize their topic into three main points so their professional staff can remember and then act on whatever is being presented.

There is sound theory and history for the three-points philosophy that took flight in the world of public speaking through Toastmaster's International and then in advertising, print and broadcast journalism, due to the time and space limitations of traditional media.

My three words are actually subsets of three broad life categories around which I have set specific, measurable goals for 2011: faith, fitness and career. So here we go, you've wanted to know...what three words support these goals?

1) Create
This involves spending my time on things that matter and make a difference in the lives of others. I need help to do this. I intend to create a personal board of directors by February and meet with them via Skype four times this year. These are the people who will support me emotionally, challenge me intellectually, offer direction and pray for me in my endeavors. Keith Ferrazzi expresses the importance of having a support system in his book,"Who's Got Your Back?" On a lighter note, I want to create a flash mob on the campus where I work. The song and dance steps to be determined...

2) Inspire
I seek to invest in authentic conversations, real exchanges and grow relationships that inspire. I am energized when I contribute to helping people find and use their God-given gifts and talents. I want to be around people who give me hope for the future. We must all avoid those Having Anger Towards Everyone Reaching Success also known as H.A.T.E.R.S. What would happen if just one day a week we all tried to give more than we receive? Starting with time, talent and truth.

3) Teach
I am naturally curious and enjoy sharing what I've learned, especially when someone can improve or grow from it. I hope to continue teaching fitness classes three times per week and am also teaching a college level business communications course during the spring semester. Whatever and whenever I'm teaching, I pray others discover their potential mentally, physically and spiritually. Interestingly, these three words also describe how I try to live my personal brand in body, career and spirit.

Did you notice how many times I'm doing things in threes or using three words? I like this "three" game, we can play it every month and not just at the start of the New Year. What are your three words? Share them below this post...

1 comment:

  1. 1.) Excellence
    2.) Focus
    3.) Passion

    I elaborated on these earlier and my lovely computer deleted the text. I promise I'll post again to develop these points soon.
